Each still felt slightly uneasy at the touch, but was beginning to get used to it.
I began to feel slightly uneasy about the lunch I'd ordered.
He felt slightly uneasy, being a party to such an intimate moment between the two older men.
It made me slightly uneasy to know that even as we worked the call was being traced.
People always feel slightly uneasy with their backs to the door in an unknown room.
Arhu was slightly uneasy about following her, but after a moment he came along.
But even industry die-hards have been forced into a new, and slightly uneasy, relationship with what people outside the business might think of as reality.
He couldn't see her and began to feel slightly uneasy.
They also made him slightly uneasy, a fact which would have surprised his master.
She was made slightly uneasy by what she had heard.