The four chefs, all Chinese, have developed a skillful hand with their slightly unconventional but unfailingly fresh array of ingredients.
Mr. Morris has carved for himself a slightly unconventional architectural niche as a post-modernizer of the suburbs.
He seemed to be in a uniform of some sort, a slightly unconventional get-up but unmistakably an officer.
The numbering of the issues was slightly unconventional.
The Maryland crab cakes are equally colorful, if slightly unconventional.
It was an introduction that stuck, and from then on I followed the adventures of that slightly unconventional character with more than casual interest.
"Our newscast is more aggressive and slightly unconventional," he said.
The wine list is well chosen, slightly unconventional and affordable.
The concept is based on the idea of using a slightly unconventional layout to maximize shopper convenience.
I figured I'd avoid the mob of reporters and travel down there in a slightly unconventional way, a way that would generate a story.