His face was stern, though this effect was slightly spoiled by the fact that one of his feet was making wild circles in the air.
Growing up rich, she is slightly spoiled and selfish, but her heart is tender.
Hyo-sun is slightly spoiled and becomes jealous of her new stepsister.
The effect was slightly spoiled by the panting breaths which the speaker could not quite suppress.
The faultless gloss of her flesh was spoiled slightly.
The filling has a slightly alcoholic flavour but is spoiled slightly by a little too much sugar on top.
Megan and Morag seem completely normal, if slightly spoiled.
This effective military display was spoiled slightly by the younger of the two men; obviously a new recruit.
She gave Moreta a stern look, an effect that was slightly spoiled by her changing from one foot to another during her reprimand.
Someone had slightly spoiled the effect by putting a kettle on one end.