Inside, I found something like an artsy barn-in-the-city with a slightly self-conscious touch of cool.
The slightly self-conscious absorption in his own world, with its private rituals and observances, had passed.
Must not get many visitors around here, Roberta guessed, feeling slightly self-conscious.
Feeling slightly self-conscious, she makes her way to the ball.
She felt slightly self-conscious as she closed the canopy and took off directly into the prevailing wind.
Feeling slightly self-conscious, we were six white people in a black church in Bridgehampton.
He made the stylistic distinctions clear, although in a slightly self-conscious way.
"One thing I'll admit to," she says with a slightly self-conscious laugh.
Feeling slightly self-conscious at having to use the general's code words, Blade took the headset and aligned the band over his head.
There were six council houses at the end of the village street looking slightly self-conscious.