It was necessary to develop diamonds quickly, and entering the closed hand was slightly risky.
To get to the Dressing Station is a slightly risky thing, but far less so than many ordinary things a soldier does.
This seemed slightly risky, as the Chittagong batsman had little previous experience as captain.
It might be slightly risky, but not overly so.
Another slightly risky course is a balloon mortgage, which the borrower amortizes, or pays off, as if it were a 30-year mortgage.
This was slightly risky at unfavorable vulnerability, but it helped his partner select the excellent three no-trump contract.
The move was slightly risky, but the musical approach was still familiar.
It can be a slightly risky choice and sometimes it takes several tries to find a compatible relationship.
The officials maintain that they carefully weigh the choices when they engage in what one called "slightly risky behavior."
It was a slightly risky action, but he could have spared the tissue if Bob had moved inopportunely.