Slightly rancid and too much curry, but I didn't dare go to the Council meeting on an empty stomach; !
The air was also close and slightly rancid, but she ignored that as she laid out the mirror and checked the tuning on the lutar.
He scooped up the overripe fruit and swallowed it down, grimacing at the slightly rancid taste.
Semantics says, though, that in a couple of spots it smells like slightly rancid cheese, and . . . no-no, keep still!
It had the same slightly rancid, slightly oily and slightly sweetish flavor as the regular product.
The jar in his hand dropped and smashed on the tiles; there was the smell of slightly rancid salad dressing.
(I think of our own car at home, mud-stained, cluttered, slightly rancid with an old unidentifiable odor.)
The water was slightly rancid, but Mma Ramotswe drank it gratefully.
He handed one piece to Mikah and took a tentative bite out of the other one: it was gritty with sand and tasted like slightly rancid wax.
The air took on the odor of a spicy, slightly rancid pomade.