This show reveals an astoundingly rapid development over the past three years, but it also feels slightly premature.
It is slightly premature - a postponement of another five years would be preferable in the interest of physical compatibility.
MedImmune says that this season it has reached 20 percent of those slightly premature babies.
A club was led to the ace, a slightly premature move.
She weighed four pounds, one ounce, and was slightly premature.
"Sorry, probably a slightly premature senior moment."
She looked about her with an air of possession that struck Sallah as slightly premature.
"Don't you feel that might be slightly premature, Director?"
The child was born slightly premature on 7 September 1533.
IT was a haphazard and slightly premature birth for what many people consider a landmark document in the history of the world's largest religious body.