Her voice is slightly pinched and has a punitive edge; it lacks the rippling musicality that might put a little flirtatious playfulness in Shaw's pronouncements about love, marriage and duty.
Vocally, her tone sometimes grew slightly pinched and pressed at loud, sustained high notes, and at first she seemed constrained in terms of temperament.
"Oh, to hell with the past," she said, her eyes a little sad however, ironic, slightly pinched at the corners.
Miss Gibbons's soprano is clear and tightly focused, and in her upper range she produces some lovely, often velvety sounds - although not at the very top, which on Sunday sounded slightly pinched.
David Kuebler, as Jenik, sounded slightly pinched and underpowered at first, but in the second act his voice opened up nicely.
They can choose to spend less on these services as soon as their wallets feel even slightly pinched.
The stranger's nostrils pinched together slightly, but he ignored the remark.
Her brow was somewhat too high, and her cheekbones seemed a little heavy, and her nose was slightly pinched.
She strode over to him, her normally deadpan face slightly pinched to display her annoyance.
Mr. Rayam was the better of them: his lower range is attractive and smooth, and although his top is slightly pinched, he negotiated Mitridate's high notes with reasonable security, and projected a rounded, sympathetic portrayal of the old King.