If Juan Carlos had slightly overstated the worthiness of the boat, he had wildly exaggerated the competence of Inti's English.
He claimed that it stood "easily first in north Queensland", though commentators have suggested this claim might have been overstated slightly.
In my opinion, the urgency of the situation was slightly overstated, so we should be able to make up the lost time without too much difficulty.
But like much theater griping, the problem may have been slightly overstated.
Richard L. Berke, the chief political correspondent of The New York Times, said Mr. Lehane's calculation seemed slightly overstated.
The title is only slightly overstated.
It does suggest the risks may, in some instances, have been slightly overstated.
The good primate, however, has slightly overstated the case, I'm afraid.
The smoke was from the cigarettes Mr. Ellerbee was inhaling with slightly overstated grace.
Except for movement endings that were slightly overstated, but not really objectionable, the players' manipulations of accents and balances were subtle enough to create the illusion of an entirely natural, carefree reading.