Most of the interiors have a slightly off-kilter, Cubist feel.
But for all the slightly off-kilter things the two men noticed, they still agreed on one thing.
The tattered tent stood in the middle of a barren public park, supported by two huge poles, each slightly off-kilter.
If you were hoping to tweak a slightly off-kilter image, Analog just doesn't have that flexibility.
He seems slightly off-kilter but never totally ridiculous - an image not far from that of most movie stars.
With a slightly off-kilter look at the world, they deliver a mix of headlines, traffic, weather, and comic relief.
The three Super Bowl trophies still sit behind glass near the front door to the Redskins' training complex, but everything else seems slightly off-kilter.
The gifted Ms. Burnett is always worth watching, even when slightly off-kilter.
The whole thing had been blown slightly off-kilter by two hundred years of relentless winds.
Mr. Yancey was celebrated for the beats he made, which tended to be warm and slightly off-kilter.