He gets on splendidly with his colleagues, goes home to a warmly companionable spouse and receives frequent visits from two devoted (if slightly neurotic) daughters.
There was always a slightly neurotic edge to it.
His style of humour is based on one-liners involving puns delivered in a deadpan and slightly neurotic style.
"We wanted summer and winter all in the same 10-week period," Mr. Craig said, remembering the fate of a "slightly neurotic" chestnut tree.
Perhaps for some listeners, Ms. Staples's playing lacks that charismatic, slightly neurotic quality that turns a fine performer into a star.
As Ms. Lando plays Kate, she is a straightforward, uncomplicated, practical woman who loves her slightly neurotic husband very much.
When not at his watch shop or making a house call, the humble (if slightly neurotic) Tantamoq prefers staying home with his beloved pet ladybug.
I don't need silicon wafers with a slightly neurotic interface to tell me that.
The film is a portrait of a fictional town in the Midwest that is home to a group of idiosyncratic and slightly neurotic characters.
Mr. Brown is a short, teddy bear of a man with a shock of lead-gray hair, penetrating brown eyes and a slightly neurotic manner.