The other was narrow, slanting and slightly hooded.
The pale brown eyes in the weather-beaten face were slightly hooded and their gaze was sleepy and contemptuous.
His pale eyes were slightly hooded and stared directly at the camera.
His slightly hooded, piercing blue eyes seemed to miss nothing.
Lean, with burning blue eyes that are slightly hooded and features as craggy as an eagle's, he suggests a monk driven by an inner spiritual fire.
He scanned Derry from head to toe, his eyes going slightly hooded, then glanced up at the guards.
Part Oriental, she had long, sleek black hair, a golden complexion, a heart-shaped face with perfect, full lips and slightly hooded eyes.
His eyes were slightly hooded, like a cobra's, of an indeterminate color, and never betrayed expression, even though he smiled obligingly from time to time.
His handsome, slightly hooded blue eyes were glazed, but his face was pink.
Steady dark brown eyes, slightly hooded.