The air was slightly hazy, a warm, damp summer afternoon that smelled slightly of smoke.
The sky remained slightly hazy, and the sun offered little warmth.
A slightly hazy outline surrounded him, as if he had brought part of his own environment with him.
I was slightly hazy on whether "big one" meant one hundred or one thousand.
Never had Bert seen the like of that magnified slightly hazy image before.
The night of 24 January, 1942, was slightly hazy but the stars were clear.
The sky was slightly hazy, or we might have been able to see the escape ships as three close white spots drifting across the sky.
The sun had disappeared behind a gauze of cloud, giving a slightly hazy, misty effect to the light.
The weather was warm and humid and the sun high in a slightly hazy sky.
The machinations of corporate sharks were a slightly hazy area in her experience.