Some of the NEW group had opinions which were slightly dotty, though on the whole, in comparison with today's weirdies, they were a conventional lot.
The truth is that Childe considered her grown sister slightly dotty about words, 'specially the printed kind.
The whole slightly dotty house has great charm: part traditional, part bohemian, and beloved by its inhabitants.
The contributions from the children suggest cheerful acquiescence in a slightly dotty game, though doubtless this mood was created largely by careful rehearsal.
When the siblings' ailing father finally appears, he is a garrulous, slightly dotty old man with a lot of ginger left in him.
He and Jewel sell off everything and move in with Ray's slightly dotty, celebrity-obsessed mother.
My great-grandmother was a sweet, slightly dotty old woman who painted beautifully and told fairy stories.
The film's Deric and his slightly dotty Mum, Annie, are probably a bit more charming than the real-life Longdens.
From what I've heard, he and Lady Lyndhurst are both slightly dotty.
Fiona Duncan visits Roundwood House, a slightly dotty but charming hotel in County Laois, Ireland.