Both of them seemed to have the same slightly cynical outlook on life as well.
He seems to have no idea how to approach the role of Nigel, the pragmatic, slightly cynical half of the writing team.
He looked at me and for once the slightly cynical grin left the corners of his mouth.
Lyn raised slightly cynical concerns re the new initiatives to support the arts through recession.
The high forehead beneath the black turban, the calm, penetrating dark eyes, the slightly cynical turn of the mouth.
"We share a slightly cynical, yet still sort of optimistic, view of the world," he said.
Even then, his dry, slightly cynical sense of humor was in evidence.
I had often enjoyed reading of such scenes, but always afterwards had the slightly cynical feeling that they never took place in real life.
He described her world view as "that of a slightly cynical but enthusiastic outsider."
The Duke of Minathlan observed them all with a detached, slightly cynical air.