It was slightly crumpled, so he smoothed it, touching only the edges, and checked it by the torn leaf on the calendar.
The cloud of plaster dust settled and all I could see of him was one hand, slightly crumpled.
The letter from the Governor of Georgia to his counterpart in Maine took 5 1/2 months to arrive and was slightly crumpled, but no one complained.
He was slightly crumpled, but he achieved a manner of dignified reproof.
His uniform seemed slightly crumpled as if he had been lying in it.
The man took an involuntary step backward as Denise forced the door open, using her shoulder because the door had crumpled slightly from the impact.
Locke reached into his boot and pulled out a slightly crumpled, moderately sweaty half-sheet of parchment, folded into quarters.
It was only slightly crumpled.
He wore a stylish Italian suit, only slightly crumpled, and had the sort of naturally graceful walk that knows when it is being watched and is used to admiration.
It was slightly crumpled, but he laid it flat on Bartlett's desk and smoothed it out.