People's Sunday might be a slightly condescending term, but there was a wider cross section of humanity than usual inside the grounds of the All England Club.
Her voice had taken on the slightly condescending lilt of a game show host.
Hayward turned to Philip with the slightly condescending gesture which so impressed the youth.
"Marielle," Courtney called with a slightly condescending tone.
His mother died last spring, you know," Phillipe added with the slightly condescending tone of one privileged to reveal a bit of gossip.
Bob's slightly condescending and non-understanding attitude only to fuel the spark inside Pat to take on a new challenge now outside their home.
"Latie is a woman," Deegie told him with the slightly condescending air of a big sister informing another adult who is knowledgeable.
The shape-shifter addressed him in a slightly condescending manner.
This one was slightly condescending, as if he should have known.
Tomjon's face had that familiar expression of polite and slightly condescending puzzlement that Hwel had come to know and dread.