In Mr. Greene's riveting portrayal, he exudes a sinister, slightly comic buoyancy.
The only discordant note was his helm, which was a little too large and gave him a slightly comic appearance.
As he had remembered, there was something slightly comic about her appearance.
Instead it approaches an older form, the detective series, in a new, slightly comic way.
At first it seemed incongruous, if not slightly comic, in these surroundings, but within a few minutes Franklin was completely unaware of it.
And with few words, it leaves viewers with one very catchy, and slightly comic, phrase: "Hopelessly liberal."
The scene is slightly comic.
Slightly comic.
The warder unlocked the door of Box No. 3, and with a wide sweeping gesture which seemed out of place and slightly comic, flung it open.
It has a slightly comic sound as it rolls off the tongue of a South German.