It might be out of bounds, but the temptation to take a slightly closer look was a temptation she could not resist.
The former is slightly closer to the centre but it's easy to get into town from both.
This features a modified letter "O" and slightly closer character spacing than the original.
It was slightly closer to the mines than Eureka, which gave Union an early advantage.
Experts believe that the Moon has stabilized into a slightly closer orbit.
If negotiations are successful, the new office will be slightly closer to their warehouse which is also used as a design studio.
Such a planet would be slightly closer to the Sun than Earth's mean distance.
Senate Republicans, who released their plan on Monday, are slightly closer to the governor, with a budget package that would cost about $84.1 billion.
Dechen Hotel, another family-run inn in a residential section, is slightly closer to town.
It was slightly closer to the road and wasn't fenced or walled in.