With their short bodies and slightly bulbous driving compartments, they looked almost like toys.
It is slightly bulbous, and is enclosed into a volva.
Cuvier's beaked whale has a short beak in comparison with other species in its family, with a slightly bulbous melon.
They are slightly bulbous in contours rising from a base of petals or trefoil merlon motifs.
From a slightly bulbous "nose," a fifteen-inch "barrel" ran to a trigger and pistol grip, beyond which extended a rudimentary stock.
Mother Benedicta's slightly bulbous eyes looked like twin flares on a runway guiding an off-course aeroplane home.
The stipe is 4.0-6.5 cm high x 1.5 cm thick, equal or slightly bulbous.
When he sits down, he seems softer, and one notices the slightly bulbous nose in the round face.
Deinosuchus had an alligator-like, broad snout, with a slightly bulbous tip.
A touch over four feet tall, barrel-chested and bandy-legged, he had the thick, clammy skin of a swamp dweller, and slightly bulbous, friendly black eyes.