Belgarath was leaning against one of the buttresses, watching the dancers with a slightly bored look on his face.
I tried to mimicked Trainer's slightly bored and authoritarian aura, though I doubt that it worked.
His slightly bored tone indicated that for him this was just another routine chore.
Madame Nesle de la Tourelle was standing just behind Louis, watching the introduction with a slightly bored look on her face.
Newell's slightly bored expression while the hours of search progressed had changed to sudden animation.
"This is all very interesting," he said in a slightly bored tone of voice.
They speak in a slightly bored inflection in a nasal Viennese dialect known as Schönbrunnerdeutsch, or German as spoken at the Habsburg Imperial Court at Schönbrunn.
406.7 the desk sergeant said, filling out the forms; he wrote leisurely, in a slightly bored manner.
Fowler's mind was clean, as if she were a disinterested, slightly bored observer at some hoary political convention.
O'Rourke, the old marine sergeant, had a slightly bored look as he wiped a rifle lovingly with an oily rag.