My vision went slightly blurry, no matter how hard or often I rubbed at my eyes.
However, the light passing through the transparent areas bends slightly, leaving a slightly blurry image.
A night with him seemed like a live-action version of his film, jarringly unabashed and slightly blurry.
In that eye, distance vision may stay slightly blurry, but the other eye will compensate.
Her hand paused in brushing, and she stared at her slightly blurry reflection.
A lot of us are working in this slightly blurry edge between memoir and fiction.
While slightly blurry at first... that effort worked, and he let the image lapse.
It was slightly blurry and a light halo surrounded the rim above.
Rather than appearing sharper, the letters wind up looking slightly blurry.
This would make images of nearby objects and reading matter slightly blurry, "which could be enough pattern deprivation to promote growth of the eye."