The décor is contemporary, if slightly bland.
The sweet flavor of these dishes is believed to neutralize the slightly bland taste of the vegetables.
The crew reported that the food was good, but slightly bland.
Zhāngyè is a pleasant, if slightly bland, town.
Sean Kelly offered a well-danced but slightly bland portrayal of the Count.
And it has never entirely shaken its image as a maker of cars that are highly polished and well engineered, but slightly bland.
Ulgo cooking is slightly bland, but I kept my opinion about that to myself.
Despite fresh herbs, shallots and tomato concasse, the crab salad was slightly bland.
The most engaging were three works firmly rooted in one genre or the other, avoiding the slightly bland hybrid quality of some longer full-company works.
However, he noted the game's good graphics and challenge, though both noted that the backgrounds "are slightly bland".