Due to imperfect manufacturing technologies of the time and poor separation between the analog and digital parts of the chip, the 6581's output (before the amplifier stage) was always slightly biased from the zero level.
An AWD V6 version averaged 20.0 mpg in driving slightly biased towards highway use.
But I have to admit that I am slightly biased against Bob Sutor, who I feel is a past master of misdirection and FUD.
The data from the former study was derived from a BWS registry, a database that may be slightly biased towards involving living children; however, death was not an exclusion criterion to join the registry.
The underrepresentation of such children in the day care center population means that this population is biased slightly toward children with a bold, outgoing temperament.
Hypocrisy on Apple's part may be a valid point, but I think you might be slightly biased against adblocking.
In the distinguishable case, the particle distribution will be biased slightly towards state , and the distribution will be slightly different from half-and-half.
The balance would be biased slightly our way: Our very first "utterances" would be-something more than could be expressed mathematically and ballistically.
In nearly all situations, the effect of this bias will be conservative in that the estimated fit will be slightly biased in the direction suggesting a poorer fit.
It is seen from Figure 2that all four parameters can be estimated quite accurately in the normal case while they are slightly biased for the lognormal data.