His slightly bewildered expression was all I needed to continue.
The audience applause continued, but it first seemed to grow slightly bewildered, and then clearly began to thin.
The slightly bewildered shrug she gave Patrice was evidence of that.
All own big expensive cars, wear fur coats, and have this slightly bewildered look on their face.
His documentary film records him as an enthusiastic but slightly bewildered spectator.
Spock shook his head as if slightly bewildered, and then he turned abruptly.
Bennett, when he came back, wore a slightly bewildered air.
Instead, it produced images of him looking slightly bewildered, caught up in a media stampede.
Lucy felt slightly bewildered, but hid the fact as she turned to Stella.
They wandered in throughout the day, some with foreign equipment bags and slightly bewildered expressions.