The police delivered it, slightly battered, two days later.
Its piers are weathered and slightly battered.
The inner face of the wall is slightly battered, whereas the outer face has a decided slope, varying from 23 to 40 .
Anna rose and walked toward the older woman, leading her toward the nearest two chairs by the ancient, if slightly battered, inlaid wooden table.
Their unmarked police car was mud-covered and slightly battered.
It was a chunky Ford 4 x 4, slightly battered, but the best on the lot, according to Eddie.
On top of the bilberries lay a few rather scrubby chanterelles, slightly battered.
They all looked slightly battered in the aftermath of the raid, and three of the screens were still dead.
The only one not in fine array, he looked as he always did, plain and slightly battered.
James had been asleep in the cabin when we capsized and he emerged slightly battered and bruised, but we were both alive.