When green they are quite firm, and the pale, somewhat mealy flesh suggests a slightly astringent apple.
It has a slightly astringent sour taste.
Its mental voice was dry and slightly astringent.
Because it is slightly astringent and bitter, mace is the secret ingredient in lunch meat.
Almost as bad was Ohio 8556, which had no body and was slightly astringent.
After the pulp has been reduced to a glossy gelatin (called geléia), it retains a slightly astringent flavor.
But don't take a bite: a fresh quince is tart, slightly astringent and dry.
Natural shakes, made with such Caribbean fruits as the slightly astringent guanabana and the sweet mamey sapote, are $2.
They met the piece on those terms, producing a finely intertwined, slightly astringent sound.
The wine was sweet, slightly astringent, delicately flavored.