Jake had been on the verge of tears, but now a slightly apprehensive expression came into his eyes.
At that moment she was hesitant, unsure and slightly apprehensive, the normal reaction when police start taking an interest in you.
I went to one two nights ago, slightly apprehensive.
Miss Pierce looked up, a slightly apprehensive look upon her face.
Some city officials were slightly apprehensive because the State Senate had not acted on the city's tax package.
My girlfriend and I are slightly apprehensive about planning our first trip abroad together, a month away in February.
He had the usual, slightly apprehensive attitude of a man in illness.
"I'm slightly apprehensive about dialogue because I've never done dialogue on the stage," he said.
My sister's name always made me slightly apprehensive, like a bucket of nails balanced too close to an edge.
But their slightly apprehensive shifts of position suggested that this gathering was not a real community.