But then she looked down, appearing slightly anxious, and placed her hand upon David's natural one.
Credit also to Crouch, who must have played the whole game knowing that his job was just to keep three guys slightly anxious.
She seemed to be slightly anxious about something rather than aggrieved or irate.
I thought she'd never stop eating,' Debera said, a slightly anxious frown on her face.
Slightly anxious at first, she overcame that, and made sure to move slowly when Orson was around.
He looked at her with earnest and slightly anxious brown eyes.
There was enough light yet to see his face, expectant, slightly anxious.
It is feeling slightly anxious, very excited and intensely curious.
Kelly found himself slightly anxious if he failed to see her every few minutes, as though she might somehow disappear.
He lifted his chin a glanced in our direction, looking slightly anxious.