Rather than that, she looked almost mortified, even slightly annoyed.
Ms. Peters looked at her watch and made a slightly annoyed face.
Slightly annoyed, I nodded goodbye and went to the office.
Every head turned towards her, but Brant looked slightly annoyed.
Despite the terror of the situation Bruce felt slightly annoyed at this.
He was slightly annoyed with himself that she'd had to point it out to him.
If the human race did anything to provoke them they might arrive, slightly annoyed, in a very few hundred years.
Archer, he could not have said why, was slightly annoyed.
She had been slightly annoyed at finding the other there.
Looking slightly annoyed, he turned half-away from them and spoke into it.
Despite the pressures of his immense success, he remains unburdened and is, truth be told, slightly annoyed by other entertainers who aren't.
He sounded slightly annoyed by this.
Giovanni seems slightly annoyed by Lidia's behavior.
I felt myself grow slightly annoyed by the attention he was paying her.
Yes, Mr. Dodd is slightly annoyed by the "tiering" the news media has imposed on the 2008 race.
Phoebe replied, obviously slightly annoyed by Janeway's tone.
Harry halted in the middle of his backswing, slightly annoyed by his son's timing.
"Could be a real bloodbath," Ree greeted, slightly annoyed by the dazzling white of her armor.
"Yes, of course," Glory agreed, slightly annoyed by the frequent interruptions.
Taft looked around the lobby, slightly annoyed by the wait.