Plenty of Money Few appear to extend this resentment to the Japanese students, although some are slightly aghast at the students' affluence.
Two waitresses, slightly aghast, peered down at the uninvited guest, while a maitre d' sought to explain the intrusion by pointing out that Gigi uses only organic greens.
"I do emphasize happiness," she says, sounding slightly aghast at herself.
Robin felt slightly aghast.
He'd even, when the thing had landed in the middle of the wizards and caused the Dean's remarkable feat of vertical acceleration, been slightly aghast.
Bear watched, slightly aghast that anyone would be so rude to one of the Masters of the Grcle.
Telemann said, slightly aghast.
Slightly aghast, she looked from Worf to Crusher.
"You and Komitta Rhangavve," Marcus said to himself, slightly aghast at the Gaul's straightforward savagery.
"My sister's friends never went to an opera," Kristina said, slightly aghast.