Young Mr. Soley's elegant and slightly abstracted music seemed a world away from the energy of ethnic insurgency.
He said in a slightly abstracted voice: "No.
Like Mr. Malakhov, Ms. Kent is a notably thoughtful dancer, and his slightly abstracted performance was complemented by her incandescent, interestingly detailed portrayal of a young woman becoming a queen.
He had a boyish, slightly abstracted look, that was his most endearing expression.
But the advantage to using slightly abstracted characters is that you can put them in larger-than-life situations and still pull it off.
Yet this painting touches the deepest emotional chord, especially in the animated presence that Hopper gives this slightly abstracted form and in the gentle atmosphere that unites house with land and sky.
It is copied, apparently, from a snapshot, but its precise, slightly abstracted formality calls to mind the early-American folk artist Ammi Phillips.
Christine Redfem glanced up at Poirot in a slightly abstracted manner.
Given the recent vogue for 'sim-coms' and 'mock-docs', where stars play slightly abstracted versions of their own personas, some have wondered how close Hart's sitcom world is to her own.
"Significant Others" reminds us that O'Keeffe was not the only female artist in the Stieglitz circle, or the only woman to evolve a style of slightly abstracted realism focusing on plant forms.