The shadow of his movements and the calloused, slightly abrasive touch of his fingertips caused ripples of heat to spread through her.
The callused palm flattened, sliding downward, its roughness slightly abrasive over the smoothness of her skin.
Before eating the fruit, first dip it in water then rub the skin against something hard and slightly abrasive (like a rock).
The concreted soil and sediment was removed with brushes, small dental tools, pins, scalpels and fine jets of high-pressure air containing slightly abrasive powder.
While she is very upfront and her personality can seem slightly abrasive, she has a certain kind of loyalty to her family members that cannot be shaken.
At home, Ms. Streisand's slightly abrasive screen personality seems softened.
He rubbed his cheek, slightly abrasive from his evening's growth of whiskers, against the side of her breast.
The leaves are alternately arranged, ovate up to 5 cm long by 3.5 cm wide, and have a slightly abrasive feel.
And Steve Albini - slightly abrasive, direct and not one to compromise just to impress people - is here in this studio to remaster everything for the reissues.
Picard found Leyoro's personality slightly abrasive, but that was often the case with the best security officers.