"Pulse rate slightly abnormal but otherwise okay," Tom quipped.
I think real scientists know that weather is slightly abnormal, and the world is heating up.
Everything around them became slightly abnormal, the new occupation, the environment, the dress they wore, the physical and emotional climate.
Often actions of sneezing, stumbling, and other slightly abnormal events could be taken as a sign from the Gods to be interpreted.
His best chance, therefore, was to adopt a slightly abnormal line in the hope of a swing.
A psychological examination concluded that the patient's mental development was slightly abnormal probably resulting from her hearing disability.
They have a slightly abnormal microscopic appearance and can spread into nearby normal tissue.
It is likely the result of producing slightly abnormal platelets in the overstressed bone marrow tissue.
At first glance cones seem to be slightly abnormal constructions in category theory.
They showed 3.18 million copies of the hepatitis C virus in his blood and slightly abnormal liver enzymes, indicating an infection.