He slid to a halt by the creature, who looked exactly like the other one.
When the ball slid by the cup, he stared at the sky.
Because he was black, their gaze seemed to slide by his face without touching it.
And one-year bill rates slid by 8 basis points, to a late rate of 6.83 percent.
Then I slid back into the darkness to a bench by the kitchen door.
He'd been hoping to slide that one by her, for the time being.
He slid the plastic blind off the window by his chair.
The old woman slid her bicycle into a stand by the church gate.
Worse, profits from some 860 stores slid by more than half last year, to $257.4 million.
For all of 1992, earnings slid by more than 85 percent compared with 1991, to $99 million.