With the dim news from the sleep researchers in mind, I set out to do some field research.
The overriding fact is that there's no one theory that's accepted by the majority of sleep researchers.
A two-year study by the University of Pennsylvania medical school surveyed 283 sleep researchers and transportation safety experts.
Here's are some more puzzles for sleep researchers: Why does sleep change when we age?
The success rate is anywhere from 25% to 50%; however, the majority of sleep researchers are disappointed that the rates aren't higher.
In some countries, the sleep researchers and the physicians who treat patients may be the same people.
Several other sleep researchers are pursuing similar lines of study.
This behavior is remarkably similar to a phenomenon known by sleep researchers as "stress sleep."
Most nightmares, say sleep researchers, occur early in the morning.
Some sleep researchers recommend asking your child to draw a picture of what frightened him.