Next spring, the museum will open a sleek 125,000-square-foot space just around the corner.
The sleek space houses many creative boutiques that make this mall a far cry from typical.
This sleek, contemporary space, with its many nooks and crannies, is appealing to children, who are easily distracted by the lobster tank in the entrance.
Mr. Mishaan said the sleek skylighted space was conceived as a home office for a plastic surgeon.
The goateed attendant, one of three employees, explained that this sleek space used to be the business office of a furniture store.
These are not old-fashioned pharmacies, however, but sleek, modern spaces (above) intended to appeal to men and women alike.
Unlike the back room feeling of some salons, the bright, sleek space has a "no need to be embarrassed" look.
It adds a fun touch to this sleek and contemporary space serving primarily salads and sandwiches.
It's a softly lighted, sleek space done in grays and browns with exposed brick muted by sheer curtains.
Breakfast for everybody, offered in a sleek, modern space with wide tables, where students serve themselves.