Elliott pushed on the yoke to level off at seventeen thousand feet, staring straight ahead over the long, sleek nose of the Megafortress.
Gently he eased the wheel to the right and pointed the sleek nose of the Old Dog toward the Soviet Union.
Although the sleek nose confused him, there was no misidentifying the rest of the plane.
He eased the sleek nose of the car out of the drive gateway, turned on to the deserted main road.
It extended a sleek nose toward Jefri.
Forward, under the sleek nose of his sled, the mountaia fell away abruptlystraight down, it seemedand the valley was far below.
The design has continuity from the sleek nose to the truncated tail and avoids unnecessary embellishment.
Faces can have sleek new noses.
She liked this dog Binky, with his bright brown eyes and long, sleek nose.
Romilly blushed, keeping her eyes fixed upon the horse's sleek nose.