And what of the anonymous slave workers who hewed it from the rock?
Say hello to a 2 billion population china and 500 million more slave workers !
Former slave workers are entitled to payments of about $7,500.
But the prisoners are also used as slave workers, who have to do hard and dangerous work 14 hours a day.
The angry slave workers required no manipulation - they wanted to do this.
But the prisoners are also used as slave workers, who have to fulfill high production quotas in very difficult conditions.
But could Sam's attempts to make things better for the slave workers trying to complete the stone circle lead to a war?
American officials estimate that 240,000 former slave workers are alive, about half Jewish.
Up here, they kept the slave workers in line with force and random execu-tions.
During the war, 135 forced labour camps for slave workers were established in the city.