Two thousand refugees from Saint-Domingue had recently arrived in the city in flight from the slave revolution.
This was what they believed had happened after slave revolutions in some areas of the West Indies.
Fearing the influence of the slave revolution, the United States and European powers refused to recognize Haiti, the second republic in the western hemisphere.
In 1804, Haiti won its independence from France after the world's only successful slave revolution.
In 1791, Haitian slaves rebelled against France, the grandest power of the day, and began the world's only successful slave revolution.
Domingue became independent in a slave revolution.
The successful slave revolution in Haiti alarmed the United States leadership, and the country refused diplomatic recognition for decades.
The 2,000 immigrants were fleeing the slave revolution in the north of the island.
(p. 120) "'Untouchables' very rarely revolt," and successful slave revolutions, like Haiti's, are few in number.
Wilson and Bryan could not have cared less about Haitians, who won their independence in the New World's only successful slave revolution.