The Quakers of North Carolina committed themselves to rid their community of slave ownership.
In 2007 the Mauritanian government voted unanimously to make slave ownership a crime.
In Mauritania, despite slave ownership having been banned by law in 1981, hereditary slavery continues.
After 1840 the growing abolitionist movement redefined itself as a crusade against the sin of slave ownership.
Unlike in many African economies of the period, Nri did not practice slave ownership or trade.
Citizens living in this part of the county generally supported the Confederacy once war erupted, regardless of slave ownership.
A line was drawn west from Lynchburg, north of which slave ownership was forbidden.
Only in the Roman Empire, when the conquests stopped and the prices of slaves increased, did hired labor become more economical than slave ownership.
Contemporary historians are largely unsympathetic to arguments that secession was not motivated by slave ownership.
Among slaveholders, the concentration of slave ownership was unevenly distributed.