Greg slid down off my mount and let the third slave lead it away, then moved closer to stop in front of me.
He announced his name and asked for Lady Heath as the slave led the way to the withdrawing room.
The slaves led the donkeys off the street and into the courtyard at the heart of the house.
I ran to him, kissed him on the lips and at once the slaves led me through the garden.
Paris's personal slave leads six of his master's favorite dogs into the clearing next to the pyre.
The slave led the way to a room in a distant wing of the palace and opened the door.
The slave led me to another room on the same level.
A black slave took the reins and led Thunderer to the dais.
These slaves led to increased production, increased profit, and a decrease of payment for workers.
Blade sank into them up to his ankles as the slaves led him to the bath.