Then in an instant the Chinaman was blinking at them with his slanting eyes.
For a moment, he did not move and, at his side, the Robemaker waited, the slanting eyes watching from deep within the hood.
In the slanting eyes of the host a stubborn expression was evident.
Yet even as Utah thought that his slanting eyes went to Coker.
The slanting yellow eyes behind the thick glass looked keenly down at him.
Only Denise, the small girl with the little slanting eyes and flattened face, didn't understand.
"The god is hunting," said the priest, looking strangely at me with his small slanting eyes.
And look how their slanting eyes gleam when we shine our torches on them.
And this is not because the people of this part of the world have slanting eyes!
Under the wide, bulging brow the rather slanting black eyes looked down with deadly calm on his winning board.