Horza bit harder, feeling the grip round his foot slacken slightly.
His body slackened slightly and his eyes narrowed again.
Finally, the creature's pace slackened slightly, and Alon again had full mastery.
Moreover, there have been signs that the acquisition fever may be slackening slightly.
And the numbers for the communities immediately surrounding New York City show a consistent pattern of a slightly slackening market last year.
The rain was slackening slightly as they returned.
Corley's fingers slackened slightly, though the tension coiled within him gave not at all.
If the guitar does not play, or buzzes severely along the first few frets from the nut, slacken the rod slightly to remove the crown.
Carraza slackened slightly for a long turn.
Damon Ridenow forced his pace to slacken slightly, but it was an effort.