The striking slab roof is at a lower pitch than the steeply-pitched gable ends, probably as a result of repairs.
Designed at the height of the Cold War and completed in 1962, the school had a concrete slab roof which doubled as the school's playground.
Further up is an interesting rock cave naturally resembling the formation of a house with a slab roof.
The magazine's records show that eight workers and four spectators were injured when a 250-ton slab roof fell while being lifted into position.
On the outskirts homes and shops lie in various states of collapse with concrete slab roofs concertinaed everywhere.
The mansion, built with reinforced concrete, tile walls and a slab roof, was not completed until 1911.
Each had iron bars on all four sides, a slab floor below and a slab roof above.
The school, completed in 1962, had a concrete slab roof which served as the school's playground.
A squat, low building surmounted by a slab roof.
Stacked stones and a slab roof surrounded them.