The Flamen Dialis oversaw the cult of Jupiter, the sky deity and ruler of the gods.
"Tsui'goab" is a sky deity associated with the phenomena of thunder and lightning.
A solar deity (also sun god/dess) is a sky deity who represents the Sun, or an aspect of it, usually by its perceived power and strength.
The original meaning of Tenjin, sky deity, is almost the same as that of Raijin (a god of thunder).
Dano festival was a shamanistic ritual worshipping the sky deity in celebration of the end of sowing season.
The people sent a worm to ask the sky deity, Hyel, what they should do with him.
It either represents an old common noun for the sky, or is the name for a pre-Christian sky deity.
Ala's husband is Amadioha, the sky deity.
See sky deity for a comparative discussion.
Whether Ilmarinen was an earlier, assumably Uralic sky deity is regardless highly questionable.