Aiken's visor was open, his face like a skull wrapped in light scarlet skin and his eyes deep as wells.
The tortured faces within the open helmets resembled skulls wrapped in crinkled pale parchment.
It ricocheted back and forth inside my skull, wrapped in sound, and it came to me that I could, if I tried, affect its motion. . . and'that if I could get it to come to a stop in the center of my head, something wonderful would happen.
In c. 985 the relics were encased in a gold statue, to which were later attached donations in the form of emeralds, agates, pearls, onyx, sapphires, amethysts, crystals and old Roman cameos; her skull, wrapped in silver, was hidden in a cavity in the statue's back.
Her thin, white face is like a skull wrapped in milky clingfilm; her eyes are rid raw, circled wi black rings.
Gasping futilely for air, Indy sinks slowly to his knees - his eyes bulge and he stares at the tiny, smiling skulls at the ends of the death-cord wrapped around the assassin's fists.
A big man, gray-haired with a lopsided skull wrapped in rags, had been slapping the girl.