Based on geographic origins and skull morphology, he recognized eight subspecies.
Rather, the similarities in skull morphology reflect convergent evolution to cope with the different challenges of daytime and nighttime feeding.
In skull morphology alone, the African palm civet, Nandinia binotata takes the prize of looking most like its distant relative.
Differences in skull morphology also distinguish the two species, and the incisors are yellow to orange rather than white as in X. inauris.
Gracile capuchins also have rounder skulls and other differences in skull morphology.
This specialisation is reflected in the animal's skull morphology, with its very elongated head, long jaw and widely spaced teeth.
The specific name "paradoxus" refers to the strange skull morphology of the animal.
Based on skull morphology, the Togo mouse is presumed to be insectivorous.
P. b. paraguensis is supposedly smaller and more gregarious, with different dentition and skull morphology.
The skull morphology of blesmols sets them apart from all other rodents.