After all the years women have been living in pants, the skirt has made a comeback.
Her blouse and skirt made a trim uniform.
It is when one of them wonders aloud in a dressing room if the skirt she has on makes her look fat.
How can you judge whether that skirt makes your rear end look enormous?
But she was already yards away, her skirt making a small whirlwind that went after her through the withered leaves.
Little skirt, booby tubey, all nice stuff, the best, make you look beautiful like I promised.
She wore a tweed coat and skirt made rather like a man's.
In other words, a skirt does not make the social entity, woman.
The long skirt of her gown made it impossible for her to keep up with him.
Her long skirt made a soft rustling like autumn leaves, and shed a faint perfume on the air as she passed by him.