The skipper called to the tall taffrail: - "And what is that to me?
With the course skewed slightly after a left-hand wind shift, both skippers called for the crews to jibe set the spinnakers.
Nodding, Manuel said that the skipper had called the Club Habana only a short while before.
The skipper should call during office hours (0700-1400 every day).
The skipper of the Sant'anna called the Navy patrol boat alongside; the President and Silvermann stepped over the rail and headed back to shore at sixty-five knots.
The skipper called him in the day before he was to leave and said warming things, things Alan was sure he meant.
And yet they wonder why skippers rise up and call Mauritius anything but blessed.
His skipper, Richard Gough, calls him the best player at the club.
Faith, many an agonizing human dilemma has turned out to have what our skipper calls an engineering solution... I've not the kit or the competence to sterilize either of you.
With oxygen supplies and battery power dwindling, the skipper called upon the crew to recite the Lord's Prayer.